Friday 27 July 2012

Manchester tart

Two cooking experiments today, the Manchester tart, and the Cornish potato cake. The tart turned out pretty good, considering how complex it was. The potato cake, I botched. Go figure. Anyway, here's the recipe for the tart:


225g plain flour 

100g margarine 

25g sugar 

30ml cold water (approx.)  
Jar of jam 
1-3 bananas (depending on your preference) 
Dessicated coconut (or grated chocolate - optional)
Handy Hint
Grated chocolate can be used instead of coconut but don't put it on while the custard is warm!
For the pastry: 
1. Preheat oven to 190C (gas mark 5.) 
2. Mix flour and sugar, rub in fat. 
3. Mix with cold water using a knife to cut and stir to form a dough. 
4. Knead dough lightly on a floured surface. 
5. Roll out and put in a flan tin. 
6. Place a circle of greaseproof paper over the bottom of the tart and sprinkle a layer of rice or dried beans on top to prevent it rising (don't put it directly on the pastry!). 
7. Bake for 20 mins, remove the rice/beans and paper, return for 5 more minutes until crisp and golden. 
8. Allow to cool. 

For the Custard:
4 egg yolks
1/2 cup sugar
1 Tbsp unbleached white flour
2 cup milk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
grated rind of 1/2 lemon


This egg custard recipe makes approximately 2 cups of custard.
Separate the egg yolks. Place yolks and sugar in medium saucepan and lightly whisk together. Using a wooden spoon, continue stirring and add the flour. Set aside.In a medium sauce pan, pour the milk, vanilla extract and grated lemon rind. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. Strain the hot milk mixture gradually into the pan with the egg and sugar mixture, stirring while you pour. Place the pan on stove and heat to a simmer, careful not to boil. Stir constantly for about 5 minutes.
Remove and allow to cool for a few minutes. As the custard cools, stir occasionally to prevent a skin from forming on top. Once cooled, chill in refrigerator until ready to use.

For the filling: 
9. Make up custard according to instructions but missing out some liquid to make it thick, leave to cool slightly. 
10. Dollop jam into the pastry case and spread around evenly. 
11. Slice bananas and arrange on top of jam. 
12. Pour partially cooled custard on top of the jam and bananas. 
13. Sprinkle dessicated coconut on top of custard if liked. 
14. Leave to set in fridge.

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